In the early months of 1992, CARE Ballet was founded by Judy Genson-Wadsworth, Trent Wadsworth, and Robin Kobel. Their combined vision was to create an organization designed not just for dance but as a sanctuary of support and encouragement. Creative Arts Repertoire Ensemble (CARE) aimed to craft one-hour classical ballets that introduced young audiences to the art form within time frames suited to youthful attention spans. For company members, the focus was on providing a positive and empowering dance experience, intertwining the mastery of classical ballet skills with expressive storytelling in performances.
After recruiting six dancers (4 females and two males) CARE was off and running. That first season saw productions of Beauty of the Earth, Western USA and Life’s Journey all with original choreography by the Artistic Director. Over 1200 students from Greater Grand Rapids area schools attended the performances that first year. From 1993 to 1999 the repertoire grew to nine ballets, including what became a CARE signature holiday favorite, ‘Twas the Night Before Christmas. Outside auditions for casting in productions soon became a hallmark of CARE and helped to grow the ballet Company and its reputation.
In 1999, in an effort to establish greater financial stability, a group of parents stepped forward and helped the fledgling organization become incorporated as a Michigan non-profit. A volunteer Board was recruited, a strategic plan was drawn up, bylaws written, policies created and a logo designed. The mission of community outreach to underserved students became woven into the fabric of CARE.
In 2006 the CARE Conservatory of Ballet was established with a permanent home with studios for students age 3 to adult to offer classes and provide rehearsal space. The Conservatory now offers all forms of dance training from classical ballet, yoga, pilates, musical theater, tap and many more. Approximately 175 students now study at the Conservatory. The performance repertoire has grown to 25 ballets all with original choreography. The Company Ensemble has grown to 32 members and CARE casts for public performances now put 60 to 70 students onto the stage in full costume, with professional sets, lighting and music. Over the last 30 years CARE has not lost sight of its core mission of creating a learning environment that fosters support and encouragement for its students while introducing young audiences to the joy of a classical ballet performance.